Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Bowling, Noah went bowling with Cindy and her kids today. I asked him if he knocked down any pins, and he said, no, the ball did it by itself

Noah loves Maya soooo much. He is so extremely sweet with her. He wants to be with her all the time. He copies all of the ways that I show affection to her. If I put my face up to hers, he will do it too. If I wisper in her ear, he will too. I will kiss her over and over with little tiny kisses, and he does too. If Daniel comes over, he says, I'll protect her mom. It is so much fun to see what a loving and nurturing big brother Noah is.

Welcome Baby Maya

Baby Maya was born June 4th (my sister and brothers birthday!) at 12:11 am. It was a long and difficult labor, but we are both doing well now. I will work on my birth story tomorrow!
Baby Maya, 5 lbs, 9 ounces, 20 inches

Hello Everybody!
It has been exactly one month since Maya was born! I can't believe how fast this month has gone by! Sorry it took me so song to post this, but here is the story!

On Saturday we went to a water park with our birthmothers. I had slightly crampy contractions all day, but I have had regular Braxton Hicks contractions since I was 20 weeks pregnant, so I didn't think much of it. My contractions were about 10 minutes apart which was normal. At 9 pm I decided to start keeping track since they seemed to be getting closer and stronger. Over the next few hours I kept track and they went from 9 minutes, to 8....7....6...5. I wanted Mr. Lucky to get some rest and he was already in bed, so I let him sleep as long as possible. At midnight I finally went to bed, but didn't sleep long. At 12:30 the contractions were too painful to sleep through, so I woke up Mr. Lucky. By 1 am they were so painful, Mr. L.  called the midwife to give her a heads up. We went upstairs and set up the birthing pool, and got the bed ready, and any bulky things out of the way, and all the supplies out. The midwife said to prepare for a long night and a long day. I have to say that I didn't really believe her. Out of the people that I know, almost all of them have had pretty short labors. My sister only labored for about 5 hours with both or her children, and one of our birth mothers only labored 3 hours, so I pretty much thought that I would have a baby my morning.

I labored through the night with just Mr. L. It was really hard. I had a hard time coping with each contraction and was pretty paniky with each one. By 7 am the midwife came to check me and I was only dialated to a 3. Normally she would go home and come back later, but saw what a hard time I was having and said that what ever I needed was fine. I needed her so bad, so I am so grateful that she stayed. I was in labor all day and by 6 was still at 3 to 4cm. Throughout the day I got more in control and had a easier time with my contractions, even though they were more painful. I also had figured out what possitions were best and Mr. Lucky Bud and I were more in a grove.

 I was sooooo exhausted at that point though and could hardly keep my eyes open. By 6 my contractions were so painful and I was so tired, that I begged and bleeded to go to the hospital. My midwife reminded me that it was 45 minutes away and would be a terrible trip in the car, that I would have to check in at the hospital, and then they would want me on an IV for an hour, and I remembered how after Baby Lucky Buds Birth Mom decided she wanted an epidural, it still took the Dr 2 hours to get to her, and then 1 hour for him to do it. As I thought of all these things, I realized that going to the hospital would not bring me the instant pain relief that I wanted and I decided to stay home. My midwife said that I was just feeling this way because I was so exhausted, and that I just really needed some good rest. She gave me some benydril and Mr Lucky and I layed down on the bed for a nap. Laying down, my contractions actually slowed down to about 8 minutes apart and we were able to sleep in between. After an hour I was feeling so much better.
My midwife had to go home to take a break in order to be ready for the birth, and also to be rested for other births that were coming up that week. We decided to see if a doula was available, and we are so lucky that someone was. Amy was AMAZING and got me through some of the most difficult parts of my labor. After my nap the contractions stayed far apart, but were much stronger and went on forever. I continuted to sleep inbetween contactions, but eventually had to get up and walk around to get things progressing. Eventually my water broke and I came upstairs and got in the birthing pool. Amy called the widwives. I started having the need to push with my contractions, but was very nervous to push at all because I was afraid that I was not completely dialated and I was afraid of swelling. It felt like my midwives took a million years to get there although it was only 20 minutes or so. My contractions were 10 mintues apart still, so they had plenty of time to set up before I was ready to really start pushing. Once I started pushing, it only took 4 contractions for her to be born. When I was pushing, inbetween contractions, I kept saying how happy I was that I had not given up and gone to the hospital.

When Maya was born I was so happy. She was finally here, I couldn't believe it!  She was placed on my stomach, but the cord was short and they were worried about her being so close to the water, so they had me get out of the pool onto the bed. There was a lot of blood, so the midwives were trying to determine if it was from the birth, from my tear or from hemorrhaging. Eventually they were able to determine that I was hemorrhaging. After the placenta was out they massaged my uterus, but it was still pleading. I had a couple injections and some pills, but it wasn't working fast enough. They tried grabbing my uterus from the outside, and eventually had to grab it internally. It hurt really bad, but the bleeding started to slow down, and after more massaging from the outside they got it under control. At the same time, Maya was not breathing great, so it took a couple people and a little time to take care of her. The midwives were very in control of the whole situation and came prepared with everything they needed to take care of us. The had oxygen, pitocin injections and everything went smoothly.

It took until 4 am until they were done monitoring us and cleaning up and we were finally able to go to sleep! My wonderful midwives tucked us in and we went to sleep with our new baby!
Having Maya at home was a great experience, and I would do it again for sure. I love my little girl and feel so blessed.

I hope that those of you who are still waiting for your little ones will have them soon.
It has been fun sharing our fertility story with you.

Okay,  Lucky Bud signing out! Prayers and hugs to you all!

39 weeks

6 days until my due date! I saw my midwife today, and she said to expect to go 10 days past my due date. She also said to drink more water, and to do 10 minutes of pelvic rocking a day in order to encourage my baby to change her position again. She is still head down, but not facing the right direction. I am feeling great these days as far as my stomach goes, but I am feeling more exhausted everyday. Mr Lucky Bud has been great and has been taking the kids in the evenings if I want to rest.

I am trying to treat everyday like it could be the day I go into labor, so I am trying to focus on eating great and getting plenty of rest.

I have been hoping to have our baby in June sine our deductible resets June 1st, so it would be better to have the deductible met at the beginning of the cycle, then to have to pay it all in May and then have to start all over. I only have 7 more hours until June 1st, so I think I am going to make it.

Well, here is until next week, unless something happens before that!

39 Weeks pregnant

38 weeks

This week has been great! It has probably been one of the best weeks of my pregnancy. I haven't thrown up  even once which never happens and I have tons of energy. I have gotten all the things I wanted to done and am just enjoying the time I have before the baby is born to get a few extra things done and to play with the kids.

I had my midwife apt and that was fine. The babies heartbeat is gradually getting slower, but the midwife said that that is normal. I did my strep test culture and that was about it.

We met with our embryo donors last weekend. It was a great visit. We met in Philadelphia at a mall that had a play area and a carousel. After the kids played we had dinner at a California Pizza and then headed back to Maryland. They are very friendly people and have a great family and we feel lucky to have them as part of our growing extended family.

I finished up that crib bumper that I had put away after getting frustrated with it. I know you are not supposed to use crib bumpers with babies, and I just made it for later. The pictures kind of turned out bad, but it gives you an idea.

38 Weeks(0 days) Pregnant
Here is a view of the crib bump

Here is the finished puff quilt and the crib bumper

37 weeks

I am 37 weeks pregnant and FULL TERM! HOORAY! I couldn't' think of much to say this week, so I thought I would follow suit with Diva bud and use Cactus Bud's update template.

How far along: 37 Weeks

Total weight change: up 22 lbs from my pre pregnancy weight plus I gained back the 4 or 5 I lost in the first trimester.

Maternity clothes: All the time. 

Stretch Marks: Not yet, but keeping my figures crossed. 

Movement: Baby was no longer posterior at Fridays visit, but after all the movement I was feeling in the middle of the night on Monday, I am not sure that is still the case. 

Sleep: Not very good. Feeling uncomfortable and waking often to eat or pee. Wishing that the boys did not wake up at 6:15 a.m. most days. 

Best Moment This Past Week: Most Difficult Moment This Past Week: My best moments are reaching the full term point and having my baby shower, and the most difficult was getting a 24 hour flu bug today. I haven't even been able to keep down anything including water, but luckily Mr L. Bud stayed home with the kids while I rested. 

Belly Button In or Out: In, but pretty even with the rest of my belly at this point

Cravings/Aversions: Craving sweets, trying to fill that craving with strawberries and other fruits instead of junk food as much as possible. I still can't eat a bunch of things without throwing up, including eggs. Today the guacamole on my burrito almost made me lose it. 

Symptoms: Heart burn and feeling exhausted most of the time. 

36 weeks

I am 36 weeks now! I just thought I would post a picture and then write a post this weekend after my home visit and baby shower. A huge congratulations to Bossy Bud!
Well here is my official 36 week post. Our baby is about 6 lbs by now and gaining about an ounce a day! That is incredible! She should be about 18.5 inches long by now. On Monday I got the fabric that I had ordered online to make our babies crib bumper. I got really excited and worked on it way too late...about 1:30 am. I worked on it the next day too, but made so many mistakes that I got fed up and decided not to work on it anymore, and put it away for a while. Unfortunately I wore myself down from staying up that night, and not eating quite right that day. I can't believe how long it has taken me to recover! I have felt just awful all week, and even went to sleep  by 7 pm on Thursday and Friday. I am feeling a bit better now, but think I am just starting to be a little worn out over all since I don't sleep well these days. I have sworn not to stay up past 10 for the rest of my pregnancy!

I had my 36 week home visit from my midwives on Friday in preparation for my home birth. Even though it was pretty uneventful, I have been really excited for this day, just because it is kind of a mile marker, and I could give birth at home now anytime if she were to come early. They brought over my birthing tub and we will have to do a dry run to practice setting it up. I have all my supplies together for the birth, and I have started making a bunch of dinners in advance to freeze so that I won't have to worry about cooking for the first few weeks. I am feeling really prepared now and am anxious for our babies arrival, although I am starting to get a little nervous about the labor and birth. I am afraid that I will be a complete wimp and not be able to handle it.

My baby shower was on Saturday. It was fun to start getting some cute girly things. I had fun and it was fun to see all of my friends together to celebrate our baby coming!

We have made final plans to meet up with our embryo donors this Saturday in Philadelphia at a mall there. I thought it would be a good place to meet up because then the boys will have a place to run around at the play area, and Little Lucky Bud will be excited about the indoor carousel. It is a little over 3 hours away, and just weeks away from my due date, so I am a little nervous to drive so far, but I am sure it will be fine. By the way, that makes me think of Mr Lucky Bud's sister who for her second child only and an hour and a half of labor and her husband had to deliver the baby in the bathroom in an emergency. I hear it was a very intense and stressful thing. Although I would love to only have an hour and a half of labor, we definitely don't wan to be delivering any babies on our own!

The Saturday before Mother's day is Birth Mother's day. Baby Lucky Bud and I met up with his birth mother who only lives a half hour away. We had fun playing at a mall play area and then had dinner at Red Robbin. We had fun reminiscing on the day of Baby Lucky Buds birth, and on the emails we exchanged in the short two weeks before, as she found us and we got to know each other a little bit. It was a very exciting time for both of us and it is fun to look back on it. She is very proud that she was able to find parents for her son all by herself, and for us it was exciting for obvious reasons! It is funny that she was actually worried that we might not want to adopt our little bud because of the short notice!

Well that pretty much sums up what is happening right now. I am so excited for all of my fellow buds that are pregnant right now too. Congratulations again to all of you!
36 Weeks

33 weeks

This week our baby should be around 4 lbs and 17 inches long. I had my midwife appointment last week and everything still seems to be going well. Her heartbeat was still around 155. I had a little trouble with dehydration this week and really need to stay on top of drinking enough. It is getting a little harder to be comfortable at night and I toss and turn a little, but I am still getting a pretty good nights sleep at this point. If I stand on my feet for a few hours at a time they hurt pretty bad. Still no swelling though which is good. My veins on my legs haven't gotten any worse, and actually have been looking a little better. I am still having braxton hicks contractions like crazy. We have one last Bradley childbirth class left to complete the 12 class course. I can't belive it is almost over! I have had a good time taking the class and am kinda sad to see it ending.
Mr Lucky Bud and I were talking last night about how hard it is to conceive of the fact that we will have a baby in about 7 weeks! It still all seems very surreal. We are just feeling very blessed and very grateful right now. I am so happy to see so much good news on the blog this week.

31 weeks

I am 31 weeks and 3 days pregnant now! My how the time flies! I am counting down the weeks in single digits now! It is so hard to believe. When Mr Lucky Bud took my photo for this week, I almost didn't believe that was me!

We are still just in project mode right now to get ready for the baby. 
Baby Lucky Bud has continued to sleep through the night now that he does not have a bottle in his bed, so I decided to move Little Lucky Bud into that room since they will be sharing once the baby is born(the baby will sleep in our room for a while, but we will have a few visiters from Seattle in the early months so I want that room free. Plus I want to start making it look like a girls room!). I couldn't believe how easy of a transition it was. Little Lucky Bud is so good, and it doesn't bother him if Baby Lucky cries a few minutes, and they have both slept in the same room great for about a week! I feel so accomplished. There are all of these things that I have stressed out about and dreaded doing, and then it all turns out great! 
We also painted our baby girls bedroom, I put together her crib and dresser and Mr Lucky Bud extended the backyard patio with paver stones and laid about 15 rolls of sod to fill in some old garden patches and dead grassy areas. It has been a busy week. I felt so accomplished! I am not one of those people that you could drop in on anytime, and my house would be clean, so the thought of going into labor, and the midwives coming over to a messy house and not having the house clean when the baby arrives, totally stresses me out. That is why I am going crazy with all of these projects, and trying to get the house in order, hopefully before my 36 week house visit by our midwives.

Little Lucky Bud turns 3 tomorrow and we had his birthday party today. We had an egg hunt, flew kites then had a BBQ with some friends and family. It was a great day, but my feet hurt soooo bad! If I stand more than 2 hours lately I feel like standing on my tippy toes because my heels and arches get so sore. 

I also have gone back to throwing up every now and then, but at least I am never nauseated which is much worse. These days it is because of heartburn, or because the texture of a food will gross me out for whatever reason. Last night I made homemade nachos with refried beans, guacamole, salsa, sour cream, etc. On one of my last bites I took note that it was very creamy. I almost instantly threw up. Little Lucky Bud stood next to me rubbing my leg saying, "Oh sweetheart! Are you okay honey?" It was so sweet. 

This week according to babycenter.com our baby is about 3.3 lbs and over 16 inches long! They also say she is going through a growth spurt, which would make sense because I have been extra hungry lately. I am still enjoying my yoga classes and have a few more Bradley Childbirth Education classes to go. I love my Bradley class because it is one of the few times that Mr. Lucky Bud and I get to spend time together without a million things going on. 

This part of pregnancy has been really fun for me. I feel pretty good over all and am officially looking like a pregnant lady!
I finally took a picture! I posted a comparison picture too. What a difference 10 weeks makes!

21 Weeks
31 weeks, 3 days

29 weeks

 had some time and thought I would make a quick post. Mr Lucky Bud usually let's me have Thursday evenings to go out and do stuff by myself. I went maternity clothes shopping finally last Thursday. I had a lot of fun. I went to all the department stores, but only really had luck at Motherhood Maternity. It was fun to get a bunch of new clothes. 

The boys have had a stomach bug all week, so there have been a lot of long nights and a lot of extra laundry to wash. I am really hoping that the worst is over and that they will be feeling better soon. 

We rent out our basement and our tenant moved out today. Mr Lucky Bud and I are keeping busy getting the back yard back into shape and things in the apt ready for the next tenant who will move in on the 1st. 

Here is a photo since I didn't take one last week.

27 weeks

I am now 27 weeks. It is the last week of my second trimester!
To recap my pregnancy so far-
The first trimester was really hard. I had a very hard time with my progesterone shots which I took twice a day until I was 13 weeks, and they caused me a lot of muscle pain. I also threw up constantly and never felt very good. I was pretty tiered too. The highlights were finding out I was pregnant after a tough 2ww, a good 6 week ultrasound with a heartbeat and another ultrasound at 9 weeks with a good heartbeat.
The second trimester really couldn't have gone any better. My nausea went away, I stopped all my meds, we found out we are having a girl. I had tons of energy and felt great. We met our embryo donors and their children too and really liked the whole family.  This trimester has gone by so quickly, it is hard to believe I am 27 weeks. I have still been feeling great except for heartburn here and there, but nothing too bad. I am excited to be heading into my third trimester soon, and hope and I keep feeling this great for a while longer. Oh, I believe I am 19.5 lbs over my pre  pregnancy weight. Yikes! Almost 20 lbs!

Our baby is just over 2 lbs and 14 1/2 inches from head to toe. She is now sleeping and waking at regular intervals and can open and close her eyes and may even be sucking her fingers.
I am still going to my yoga class once a week, and Mr. Lucky Bud and I are approaching our 4th Bradley childbirth education class. Both classes are fun and I look forward to them.

25 weeks

Only 101 days left until Baby Girls due date! Our baby is now 1 1/2 lbs, 13.5 inches, and growing fast! She is moving around plenty and I can often feel her kicks from the outside with my hand.

Overall I am feeling great except I have very mild heartburn in the day at times, and the past few nights I am having a hard time sleeping. I am not huge and uncomfortable yet, but it is just a combination of a lot of small things, like I keep getting hungry, have to pee so often, have a stuffy nose, cramping in my feet and non stop kicking from the Baby Girl. None of it is that bad, but all together I just can't sleep the past few nights. I was sooo tiered today and went to bed at 8pm, and here it is 1am and I still can't sleep. At least it is the weekend so Mr. Lucky Bud can watch the kids while I take a nap tomorrow.

I am having fun getting a lot of projects done and the house better organized before the baby is born. Knowing that the midwifes are going to be in my house is an extra motivator to get things a bit tidier and in order. I finished a little quilt last week that I made for the baby. I will have to post that picture and a belly picture this weekend since I didn't get around to that this week.

Sunday, July 15, 2012

6 Week Update

Maya is 6 weeks old now. She is has gotten so much bigger and is so long now. She weighed 8 lbs 3 ounces
Maya still sleeps most of the day. She will wake up for a couple  hours at a time here and there to look around. She is a pretty happy baby and doesn't cry much. She was having fussy periods in the evenings, but that has slowed down and she is pretty happy all the time now. She usually wakes up at 8pm or so and will not go back to sleep for the night until very late, like midnight or even later. Once she does get to sleep, she sleeps most of the night. I take care of her in the evenings and night, and then Scott usually takes the boys in the morning before work so that I can catch up on my sleep. Maya has started smiling the past few days when we smile and talk to her.
Noah is still crazy about her and wants to be with her all the time. Daniel, who completely ignored her for the first month, is starting to acknowledge her presents, by patting her on the head every now and then.

We are having so much fun with our baby girl and are so happy.

Sunday, July 1, 2012

June, 2012

Maya has been doing great for her first month in the world! She mostly still just sleeps. She is eating great and now weighs 7.9 lbs. She is a very alert baby when she is awake. She is a very happy baby too, except for periods of fussiness in the evenings. Night times are my favorite. Maya and I snuggle all night long. I often wake up to notice I have drooled all over her head. I have been so sleepy lately! She sleeps through the night most of the time and just wakes up once to eat.